The String

When I first looked at the string I had two ideas that resulted in two entries this week. For the first tile rather than drawing the string I used the beginning of the tangle Hurry as the string and then decided to to weave bands through it. I'm also trying to get more comfortable with having white space so resisted the urge to fill in every last open space.
For the second tile - I drew the actual string, using the lines more as guidelines to hang the tangle on rather than segments to be filled in. Back in the day when I was woodburning on gourds I started many designs with this configuration - long before I knew about strings.
Folks at the gourd shows would often ask where I found or if I sold my patterns and surprised to find out that I started with a basic shape and filled it in letting the overall pattern evolve line by line - practicing Zentangle and didn't know it! Sometimes I worked from the outside into the center, other times from the center out. This tile was worked from the center out.